
Find out how web push notifications work and discover their marketing potential

glossary for the marketer
Glossary for the marketer

Every industry has a specific language, and marketing is no exception. Marketers use many different terms that are not necessarily understandable for “outsiders”. That’s why we created a glossary for everyone interested in digital marketing.

2022-08-227 min
content monetization
5 strategies for how digital publishers can monetize their content

The more high-quality content you produce, the more recognizability you have, the bigger your potential to turn your content into a money-making machine. We are going to show you five universal ways of monetizing your content.

2022-08-155 min
publishers ad experience
How publishers can create a better ad experience for their readers

Selling ad spaces on the sites is one of the ways how publishers can generate revenue. However, to make it truly successful, you have to think about several elements – let’s call them commandments of good online advertising.

2022-07-284 min
influencer marketing
Influencer marketing for e-commerce

Many techniques and strategies are enabling you to promote your online store. But what about influencer marketing? When an influencer recommends a specific product (from your store), it is likely that you will get hundreds of orders in a short time.

2022-07-206 min
finance marketing
The future of financial marketing

The financial industry is one of the most dynamically growing market segments. And marketing tries to keep up with this crazy pace and encourage customers to use these new solutions and technologies.

2022-06-305 min
digital subscription publishing
How digital media companies can keep new subscribers engaged

Getting more subscribers is just the first step, though. If you really want to thrive online and not just for a month or two but for several years, you have to make sure that your subscribers stay engaged.

2022-06-224 min

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